Thursday, December 5, 2013

Elf On A Shelf

Okay so this is the first day I have had off where I can actually sip my coffee and write a lil something to you all. Of course I am well aware that it is December 5th and probably the last time I will get to do it this year. I have presents to wrap, new list to make, and a house to get somewhat organized. But for now.......

So I love this idea of Elf on a shelf. My youngest is 12 so we do not do this. I did show him and he said the elf freaked him out. (my other kids are afraid of clowns and dolls so this may be hereditary) I do have to laugh though at the extreme measures that some of these elf moms go to. 

I had a friend recently say that her one elf mom was posting these extravagant post of what their elf was up to while in the meantime my friend could barely remember to get hers out of the attic. I did remind her, however, that she did just open a new business, has a small children and her fb friend was not working at this time. Now for those of you that are doing it all.........Good for you. Those that can't quite do it are okay too. We still love you and there is no need to doubt your role as a "good mom." If some days the elf laying in the silverware drawer then so be it. 

Carry on elf moms. Remember though as far as I know you will not be awarded for your elf shelving escapades so relax. =)

Peace, Candy

Monday, November 11, 2013


So my baby boy, actually he's my oldest, his love, and my youngest grandson, he's six months, are moving to North Carolina on Thursday. Even know I'm excited about their Journey I am a little sad because the baby is so young and they grow so fast I feel like I will be missing some good stuff. I am very thankful however, that my parents come down a lot and so they can ride with them and also of course modern technology, Skype, Face time, Facebook, and just actual pictures being text to me seem to make it a little more doable. 

It's an odd feeling to watch your children grow up anyways but it's really weird to watch them start their own families. Its like this is happening all at once for some reason. I think it's because my daughter just moved in May and other son in January. Ugh you all know how I don't like change. 

I will make the best of it though. The last time my oldest moved up to NC to check it out because his father is up there........I had a massage gift certificate and I spent the day at the spa crying in the whirlpool. lol 
Well as luck would have it, (or maybe God knew I'm gonna need it) I have another gc that I thought had since expired two and a half years ago. So you know what I will be doing.

For today though I'm gonna chew on this kids cheeks.

Peace, Candy

Monday, October 28, 2013

I'll Get It.............

Boy I guess we are jumping into the busy season in October. Always thought I started in November. Guess I better gear up. I am sitting here with a cup of coffee trying to stay warm. It's 54 out and I know that really isn't cold to most of the world but I am very chilly for some reason. 

This week was filled with the opening of the baby store I just started working for, party planning, party itself, and our band played at a festival. We have our 3rd festival in a row coming up this Saturday. Whew! 

My biggest obstacle right now is trying to get in a routine. I have forgotten library books, taking out dinner, my jacket at the festival...(for those of you that know me, I NEVER forget my jacket) and alot of other things I'm sure that I already forgot. lol

Guess I better make a Christmas list too. That in itself is stressful. Four grand kids this year. Nobody panic. Hope to get back on here soon. I may forget. Bare with me........

Peace, Candy

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Good Stuff......

Today has been a great day. Our band had the opportunity to go on a local radio station and sing two songs. We are promoting our big music festival that is this Saturday and it is so nice that we have such good people to help us.

 There are so many groups that can help in this county and sometimes you just don't know about them. We are also kicking off Operation Christmas Child there as well as canned food and clothing drive among other charities. Of course there is music with ten bands participating. We are having a kids zone and very cheap food and drinks. 

The new thing this year that my hubby is heading up is the hot rod, bike and car show. Love our community and love the fact that God is using us to show people that we all fall short but he can use anyone to glorify his kingdom. That's one of the reasons we changed our name to Common Ground. We all stand on common ground. If your local, hope to see you there.

Peace, Candy

Monday, October 14, 2013

Job Hunting...

I am sure I'm not alone when I say that job hunting is not fun. It is really the opposite of fun. Going on websites and sending in resumes as well as newspapers and just the old fashion help wanted signs,.........Which of course those are few and far between. Most of it is done online. I hate that. Your sending in what you have done but not who you are. I mean lets face it your not gonna get hired at Hooters if you got no uh um......well you know. Not that I was applying there I was merely stating the obvious. lol 

Then if your more, lets say mature, ok old.......sometimes your treated a tad bit different then your younger sisters. Ugh! I was getting pretty discouraged. Especially since I got told alot I was over qualified alot. I know this. I am not trying to take over your company, I just want to work and have fun if I possibly can then go home to my family. 

I would love to be a talk show host like say Kelly and Candy but after Regis left I didn't seem to get a call. 
But anywho back to the job search...I don't know about you but I don't like to be judged. I feel like when you are job hunting that is pretty much what your signing yourself up for. Job dating if you will. Bleck!

I do have good news though. I just started my new job today and I think it will be a great fit. It's at a baby boutique and its really close to my house. The gals I am working with are very kind. I think I'm gonna like it there. (Ps. I did find it on Facebook but I also went in to introduce myself) =)

If your looking for a job, I feel your pain. Hopefully you can do something you love. Makes a big difference.

Peace, Candy

Monday, October 7, 2013

Grandbabies ROCK!

So my daughter was maid of honor in a wedding this past weekend and the hubby and I were lucky enough to have the boys alot the last couple weeks in preparation for the wedding. You know like rehearsals, nails,make up trials and parties? 
They gave us a run for our money and both hubby and I decided there is a reason you have kids when you're younger. There was a lot of poopin, cryin, and spillin goin on. The most interesting part was when GRB1 who is two years old, decided to add popcorn stuffed up his nose to the "poppa corn" ritual he does with Papa when he is here. They usually sit and watch a movie together while eating it.

 He loves his Papa. To the point that Papa has to sneak out through the back door to go out in garage to work. Saturday night however, I guess a kernel up the nose was fun. He did have to make a trip to the ER to get it out but he, other then that he wasn't really phased by the whole thing. 

Meanwhile his lil bro, who will be one in a few weeks, has me wrapped pretty tight because his lil cry and face makes it really hard for me to let him down. 

It's fun to listen and watch them. You forget all the cute lil stuff kids do. I was cleaning up the toys right before Momma got back to get them and GRB1 was unloading all the toys saying "No my toys" and putting them back exactly where they were placed before. lol 

Today of course was clean up and find the missing items off the coffee table. It's like an Easter egg hunt. 

Peace, Candy

Monday, September 30, 2013

Fall Y'all............

So recently it was the first day of fall. Today I actually felt like it was. Living in Florida you have to make due with the weather still being hot and humid and pretend it's fall. I have a friend that wears her boots starting October first whether its still summer weather or not.

Yesterday my hubby and I sat out on the porch for over an hour and with the slight breeze it was really nice. 
But today...........well I finally found my Pumpkin Spice creamer I had been searching high and low for. They had Candy Cane already but for some reason Pumpkin Spice was no where to be found. 
Then I had a Pumpkin Spice ice coffee. Since I usually don't have that much caffeine and I had rode my ten miles on my bike this morning, I felt lead to decorate the house for Fall/Halloween. 

Maybe I will even do some baking. Hmmmm.... For now I am ending my fall day with Hocus Pocus and some lit candles that smell like I did bake. ;-0

I love fall. 

Peace, Candy

Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday Blahs.........

I had such a busy, although fun weekend, that I was hoping to get back on track this am with my bike riding today. No such luck. Woke up to a rainy day. Even though I did get some good sleep finally I could have just laid in bed all day. 
I have company coming so that didn't happen. lol I did get some cleaning done and went to the grocery store. Too bad I have to go again in a day or two because I don't know what kinds of food my grandparents want or can eat. I probably have expressed myself on here before how I love, (sarcastic here) grocery shopping. I will say that I got a parking space right up front though and the rain held out til I got back home safe. 
Today is also teacher duty day so the kids have no school. That always throws me off too. 

Hopefully I will be back on track tomorrow. Maybe I will have a afternoon cup of coffee.
Ps. the grocery store had candy cane mint creamer but no pumpkin spice. Ummmm getting ahead of yourselves my friends..........

Peace, Candy

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Catching Up....

So lets see........My 13 year wedding anniversary was yesterday. That went by really fast. We didn't do much as the cruise was both of our birthdays and an anniversary gift to us. It's always fun to do things before the actual holiday but when it's the actual day...not so much. We did, however, sneak off to Wendy's and have an Oreo Frosty Parfait. We also rented a movie so that was cool. I would have like to go to Endless shrimp again at Red Lobster 
 before it was done but back on the healthy eating again to reach my goal. 

Excited about the upcoming weekend as my daughter and her bf treated me to a ticket to go to the Women of Faith conference. Good speakers and great music as Third Day will be there. We are meeting up with a few others from church. 

My grandparents, the ones who were driving from Cali and their 88, are in NC with my parents and will be here next week. 

Got some rooms cleaned out and did some redecorating done. Aka moving stuff from other rooms. If I ever need a change, that's what I do. Very cost effective and you don't have to worry about your hair growing back. lol

Open house is tonight so no band practice til Thursday. 
Now you know.......hehe

Hope all is well for everyone. 

Peace, Candy

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Saturday Morn......

Did I ever mention that I love Saturday mornings? Whether I am working in or outside the home (and not on a Saturday obviously) I have always enjoyed Saturday mornings. I wonder if it stems back to when I was in school and that was the day you could sleep in and have two days to recoup before you started again? 

It's quiet here on these Saturday mornings. Everyone is more laid back. I take a lil extra time to drink my coffee and even take a gander at Pinterest. No where to be and nothing to important to do. It's very nice. 

Of coarse it wasn't always like this. Many of Saturdays we got up at the crack to take my daughter to cheer. Or football for RB3. I just got word that I have to hand over my laptop to RB4 for a paper he has to write so I guess I should start with my day. It was nice while it lasted.

My advice is to try to enjoy every season in your life. I wished I had done that more when all the kids were younger. Always rushed and stressed. I also know that I am not done yet with my busy Saturdays. Next couple of them are like that. I do know that I will take them as I get them and remember to just chill if only for a lil bit.

Peace, Candy

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tis My Birthday

Well today I am 46. I actually feel older. lol I am having a glamorous day of grocery shopping, laundry, and cleaning. That's the only problem with doing something earlier for your birthday......Kind of a blah event on the day. My oldest son did invite me and the hubby to dinner on him but we are so sick of eating because of the cruise that we turned him down. I woke up to video's of 3 of my lil grandbaby boys wishing me a happy bday. Although one just repeatedly gave me raspberries. =) I got to see my other grandson, who's four months old, yesterday. I will be ending the day with band practice. I share this day with our singer/guitarist. 

Hopefully this year is a good one. I enjoyed being 45. Learned alot and let go of alot. I guess you do get wise. Don't think for a minute though that I am not certifiable anymore. I will always be on the edge of sanity. I am proud of that. 

Peace, Candy

Monday, September 9, 2013

Back At It...........

Well, how time flies. I just saw that I haven't posted since August 28th and it's already September 9th. I guess getting ready for the cruise then going on it took more time then I thought. I have good stories from the cruise that I am breaking up into separate posts. 

As for now I just have to say that although I am glad to see my kids and puppy I am really not ready to jump back into "real life". Ugh it's depressing. lol 
I still have my sea legs so I spent alot of today just chilling. I thought the hubby would go right back out to the garage but he didn't. We are all tired. It's true. You need a vacation after your vacation. 

Guess it's time to turn in. I only have three hours left of being 45. Bleck! 

Peace, Candy

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Need To Go Places.......

I am on my third book from this author that lives on Nantucket. I have since decided that is where I want to go sometime if I hit the big money some day. Since it's an island of off Massachusetts and you have to take the ferry over, I am betting it's pretty expensive there. I just finished googling pictures of the downtown streets and cottages and I think I would have a lovely time. For now though I guess I will have to settle on my imagination. Glad I love to read.

I have also always wanted to go to England and Ireland. O and Australia too. I love looking at all the beautiful scenery in all those places. 

Starting to get excited for our Bahama Cruise. We leave in a week. We are trying out Carnival this time and are going with another couple. Should be wonderful fun. Love watching all the shows and stuff. 

For today though I shall go walk on the beach and be thankful that I live 15 minutes from it. 

Peace, Candy

Monday, August 26, 2013

15 Years and Counting........

So yesterday I celebrated my 15th year at my church. Since then I have come to know the best most loving people I have ever met. They literally are part of my family and I am amazed at how such a lil church can do so many big things. Always helping people no matter who or where you are. Let me tell you how I met them.

I lived on the street of where this church stood at the corner. At the time I only had 2 kids ages 9-11 and I was watching a lil 11 month old baby girl (who by the way celebrates her Sweet 16 next month).

I had just got done dropping off the kids at school and even though I was dressed I was wearing slippers. (Never have left the house like that since by the way) As I was coming around the corner a loud noise from the bottom of my car made me stop. Turns out the transmission fell out. I am not kidding. I was upset because I didn't know what to do.It was before cell phones or atleast I didn't have one and it was a pretty long walk for August carrying a baby.

 A man wearing tshirt, shorts, and a baseball cap rode up on a riding lawn mower and asked if I needed help. He seemed to have come out of no where. I usually would not get in a car with someone I didn't know but he was mowing the church lawn and I felt safe. He dropped us off and took my number and called me later to see if he could assist in getting my kids home from school. I asked him if he worked at the church mowing the lawns and he said I'm the preacher. I was surprised I guess because he looked so "normal". I asked him some questions and went that first Sunday and have been there ever since. On a side note he is not really normal but that makes me love him even more. So glad my car broke down. He will tease and say he won't help anybody broke down anymore but I bet he would. 

So I celebrate this church and this new family but most of all I give credit to God. He sure knows what he's doing even if we don't. 

Peace, Candy

Saturday, August 24, 2013

First Week Down

Well we all made it through the first week of school. If your kids haven't went back yet then I guess you can read this post after their first week is done. Hehe 

Forms were signed and school supplies were purchased. Although my son brought home a few more papers to be signed and two more things he "has to have" before Monday. I am really sad about that part because I went to Walmart yesterday and by the time I left I was frustrated and irritated about how I was tossed back and forth by two employees that in hindsight I think have no idea where the items I was asking for really were. Note to self: go to Target today. 

I also had a cold that I am happy to announce is gone now. Yay me! Best part of the week was a surprise visit from my daughter and two of my grand babies. 

I ended the week with a Sushi Girls Night Out! Now that was fun and relaxing. I am slow moving today but I hope to get something done around this house. I will not beat myself up if I don't though because I learned that it's not really that important. 

Have a great weekend everyone!

Peace, Candy

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Getting Old?

So I didn't blog yesterday because I woke up with a cold. The day before that I couldn't walk without limping because I did something to my left leg. This is when you get frustrated because there is no rhyme or reason why you feel the way you do. You just wake up like that. I thought my leg was hurting because Saturday we did our Sonfest set up practice and I was carrying equipment and on my feet all day. But really that shouldn't do it. I still rode my 10 miles on my bike Monday because it was the only position that my legs could go without it hurting.

 My daughter seems to think that me riding three out of the 10 miles in the rain caused my cold. Thought that was an old wives tale. I don't like to say I'm sick because I feel like a cold isn't really that sick. It's just annoying. Like you don't have a lot of energy to do anything in your coughing and sneezing but you're gonna live. My daughter brought my two grandsons to visit and stay over for a few days. Of course I had to go to bed at 8 o'clock. Good news though in case you were wondering. I feel better today. I even made it to the store. Even though I feel like I should of got a trophy for doing it. It took a lot out of me. hehe

Anywho, I hope to be back to normal by the end of the week. Atleast my normal. Hopefully I won't break a hip by then. ;-)

Peace, Candy

Monday, August 19, 2013

Back 2 School

Today is the first day of school where we live. Lived here 23 years and it still doesn't sit well with me that we send our kids back in August. Wish it was like when I was growing up and back to school was the day after labor day. I feel as though we are still in summer so I am not ready. Not that it will be any cooler labor day either. But September sounds more norma

I always get a little sad when summer is over and the kids go back. I am fortunate enough to be home with them and so its a big change (and ya know how I love that) for school to start. I look at all the Facebook posts and pictures of all the kids and get teary eyed. I myself have a 7th grader and a 12th grader. I have friends that are sending their kids to the first day of kindergarten and also gals that our sending their kids off to college. 

I like to see all the eager faces proud of their new clothes and excited to see their friends. Many they haven't seen since June on the last day.

Parent pick up is not my favorite though. Luckily that slows down after the first week. We live close to the school so RB4 rides home unless it's raining. I just noticed high school was out so I am waiting to hear how it went. Middle school has 35 more minutes. 

Hope all you parents, kids, and teachers had an awesome day. 

Peace, Candy

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Still Scared.....

So my husband went to the dentist today. He has a broken tooth. I usually go to docs office with him and any time he has had to go to ER, I'm there but.............He is on his own at the dentist. No offense to dentist but I would rather give birth then go there. I am sure things aren't as bad as they used to be because obviously I have went since I was a child but still...........NOT A FAN! As a matter of fact the last time I had to get a tooth pulled the doc gave me this wonderful lil pill I took before I went in and don't remember anything but asking him if he prayed before he came in the room. lol I then remember the hubby walking me out to car and then a nice long nap afterward. I am not playing around. I hate face and head pain. 

We all have our things I guess. I love to fly. I will go right now. I don't mind hospitals. My hubby hates them.  But teeth? Nope........

Thankfully I keep that to myself so my kids aren't afraid. Although my oldest has had some horrible luck and is right a long with me on my dentist fear. Poor kid had a few bad root canals as a child that didn't make him a fan either.

Excuse me now while I have anxiety about my hubbys dental visit. 

Peace, Candy

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Ignorance is Bliss.......

Do you ever wish you didn't know things that you know? Obviously at my age I have but this new thing I wish I didn't know sometimes would be what is done to our so called "food" we are putting in our bodies. More importantly, how do these people sleep at night? You know the ones that our processing and making billions off of us?

I have been trying to eat alot better then I normally would have. Good thing for me I love all fruits and veggies so that part hasn't been hard. The hard part would be things you can eat quick if your on the go because driving thru somewhere just isn't an option. 

Even the produce though is getting scary because of all of the pesticides that are sprayed on them. I happened upon an article the other day about things being banned in other countries that we we consume here daily. Scary stuff. 

The most frightening so far I think was how the fast food places have their "meat" that has pretty much been soaked in poison. You also gotta love pictures of fields of veggies that have signs posted to not enter due to poisonous pesticides. So basically we can't walk by them but we can eat them? Ugh...

Makes for a long scary shopping trip, I will tell you that much. Not here to get into arguments about food. This was just on my mind today. Carry on. 

Peace, Candy

Monday, August 12, 2013

Bored But Not Really

So I haven't blogged since Thursday and I realized that this morning. Side tracked much? I guess I will start taking the weekends off since I seem to be forgetting them anyway. lol

Yesterday I was bored. I don't really say that too much because there is ALWAYS something to do. House work, organizing, a plethora of chores that could keep me busy for days. What I mean is that in my head I wanted to do things but my body was not on the same page. Or I just couldn't quite put my finger on what I wanted to do specifically. I wanted to go out to lunch with my bff after church but since she lives 20 hours away, that wasn't feasible. I wanted to paint the bedroom furniture but it is way to hot and humid right now to do that. It would never dry. It went on and on for awhile. 

I soon noticed that my hubby was on the same page. No good if your both in that mood.  He ended up weed eating and mowing the lawn and I watched a few Hugh Grant movies. It ended up being a nice day. 

Today I faced all the things that I really should have done yesterday. You know what though? I appreciated the break and felt very productive today after setting my jet pack on high. 

Incase you were wondering RB4 was hanging with his friends. No kids were neglected in the making of this post or my bored Sunday. =0

Peace, Candy

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Pictures Worth........

So I was checking out Pinterest a little while ago and my friend posted alot and I mean alot of desserts pics. I'm not a big dessert person but I do like cheesecake and brownies and ice cream. I had to quickly get off because the pictures of these desserts were so yummy looking I almost licked the screen.

 I am in the middles of eating healthy and exercising so of course I had to bail quickly. When I "confronted" (lol) her on Facebook she told me shes on a "mean diet" and that "window shopping" is her therapy. I said my butt thanks you to post no more. But alas,she did not listen.. hehe

Dennys is not fine dining by any means but I always like to go there because of the pictures of the food. I like to see what I am gonna eat. Makes me feel more confident that I at least know what the food is supposed to look like. Although sometimes it does not resemble the picture as it should.

My daughter loves watching the Food Network. I do not. For some reason though the pictures on social media seem to entice me. 

Well take note my friend "Lin" you did not break me. I will, however, stay off of Pinterest for a lil while. =)

Stay strong my friends but I do think that you need a treat periodically. Make it a good one.  

Peace, Candy

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Excited For Exercise?

Well I am not against exercise. I don't really mind it. I like it most of the time once I get out there. I am better if I have someone to break up the monotony of the week by exercising with me. I really do enjoy my morning bike rides and walks by myself though. Ever since I listen to books now, the time really passes rather quickly. 

Today though I am pretty hyped up about walking the bridges with my friend. She has been out of town the last three Wednesdays and we are back on for tonight. I actually laughed out loud on how excited I got when I got her text that we were on for tonight. It's a new me for sure. hehe

It's about a four mile walk and the bridges of course are a little more of a work out then just walking on the beach. Even though the last time we walked on the beach we were walking against the wind it seemed like both ways. 

I still don't feel the need to run. I know I have a lot of people that want me to. I will stick with my walking and riding. Today though we are starting the squats and arm stuff. I will be having some guns here soon. ;)

This grandma is gotta go.......

Peace, Candy

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Taco Tuesday.......

So I love all things that are tied to salsa. Burritos, nachos,tacos, enchiladas, you name it. I put it in my eggs and when I am trying not to eat chips, I dip my celery or use a bell pepper like a scoop. I really do like tacos the best though. Had these awesome fish tacos the other night at my friends house and I decided that two days in a row was not enough. So I set out to make this Taco Tuesday and I am pretty excited about it. 

I don't eat meat so I use black beans in mine. I grew up eating tacos but my husband did not. After Thanksgiving when I was younger we would even have turkey tacos. Hubby loves tacos but I think he had his first Tostada and enchilada with me. My mouth is literally watering right now just talking about all this good stuff. I like all things spicy as well so I will be adding jalapenos on mine. I can eat them like chips. My BFF stalked the Taco Bell daily til they opened in our lil town but then Taco Shack came in and well won everybody over. 

I saw this recipe for Chicken Ranch Tacos that you make in the crock pot. I forgot to take chicken out or that's what my boys would be eating. Don't worry though. They will get their chance. 

Hope everyone is well on this Taco Tuesday. Who knows maybe I just inspired you to have one of your own. 

Peace, Candy

Monday, August 5, 2013

Orientation Time

So today I took my soon-to-be seventh grader, in two weeks, to school orientation. I always find it so funny how there can be so many different kinds of people and we all look so different. There was long lines everywhere. It looks as if some kids were already wearing their back-to-school clothes.

As we were walking out of the gym, my son pointed out that they, too his complete and utter shock, took the wall of gum down. Apparently, You can't have gum in the gym so everybody took their gum out of there mouths  and placed it on this Plexiglas wall. Ahhhh you gotta love  middle school. I threw up a little in my mouth. LOL 

I learned my lesson from last year and did not purchase a locker. My son, for some reason, would rather carry around the weight of extra  person on his back then go to his locker. Not quite sure if he couldn't get the lock or what?

 I finally got to meet his friend Kevin that he has been talking to while playing Xbox. He mentioned later how it was funny that me and Kevin's mom were the same. Probably because we couldn't understand why they don't talk to each other on the phone instead of just using headsets. They also have not hung out with eachother yet we live pretty much across the street from the kid. Yep, kids are funny.

 I try to enjoy all the time with my kids. Times like these though make me sad because this is my last child and he's a 7th grader. 
Got to go enjoy the last two weeks of summer!!! (Not really the last weather wise as its Florida!)

Peace, Candy 

Friday, August 2, 2013

Switched Around

My daughter pointed out to me today that our Fridays and Mondays seemed to be switched around. Meaning on Friday, when I meet her half way to pick up my grandsons, it has been a struggle these last few weeks. Nothing major thank the lord. Just irritating, forgotten items, hot weather, teething babies, missing exits kind of days that usually people have on Mondays. 

Even though we are both stay at home moms at this time, we still like our weekends like everyone else. Usually both our weekends are jammed packed. She still does her schooling and I seem to find myself wanting to rest on Mondays because of the hectic chaos that we fit in between Friday night and Monday morning. This weekend we are limiting it to a baby shower and the boys have a fish fry Saturday night. Not to bad but I am not silly enough to think that something else won't get thrown in the mix. 

I am happy that I am healthy and blessed to be invited to such things. I really am. But...this Mimi is feeling it this Friday that seems so much like a Monday. I am ready for bed and it's 8:00 pm.

I hope you find yourselves with a busy but fun weekend. I will remind myself of this when I have nothing to do one weekend and I want to be busy. lol

Happy Monday or Friday or..............

Peace, Candy

Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Grands

So I was eating my whole grain english muffin with all natural peanut butter and honey mixed in. (Smuckers and very tasty) and it reminded me of when I was little and would spent weeks with my grandparents on the ranch/farm. Every morning I would make myself toast with peanut butter and honey. 

These are my dads parents that live in Cali not far from Sacramento. When we used to live in So Cal or Oregon is wasn't that far of a trip. 

They are making a trip out here next month. Driving. They are both 88 years young. They haven't yet met my grandchildren which would be their great great grandchildren. This seems odd to me. We tried to get out there this summer to Cali but it didn't happen. 

I used to love spending summers there. Talk about going back in time. Both houses on the farm were in the family til recently and we would do laundry in the outside laundry room with homemade soap and put it through the wringer (my fave part) then hang up on line. Plus they have the best peaches in the orchards and I would eat tomatoes like apples like my grandpa just adding a lil salt. I also used to love "helping" my gma teach Sunday school. She had and still does I think this craft cabinet with all kinds of scissors, glue, markers and such. TV would come on for Sesame Street and the news later in the evening.

Hoping to make some more great memories with them.  Funny how a little
 p butter and honey can bring you back...................

Peace, Candy

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Birth of Bubbs!

Today, two years ago, GRB1 was born! First time I became a Mimi. Can't really describe how wonderful that is but I know you other grandmas know. 

It's funny how I already knew in my heart before my daughter told me she was pregnant. She was trying not to talk to me alot on that Tuesday before she could tell me in person Wednesday. I had called her on the way home from band practice and while talking to her the few short minutes I had made a comment that freaked her and I both out. Of course the next day I knew why. I had asked what the noise was in the background. She didn't hear anything and I then told her it sounded like a fetal monitor that they hook you up to while your in labor. Wacca Wacca Pac Man. lol There was no sound that we could explain that. Just my own head. 

This was the first time I had ever saw anyone being born too. Of course I was present with my own kids but you know your not really watching because you are so busy doing. =) I was supposed to be in the room with two of my friends in earlier years  but it didn't work out. Now I know that God had me wait because to see your first grandbaby being born was very special. 

I got to watch Bubbs the first year of his life while Mommy worked. We would cuddle and nap together and it really was awesome. 

Happy Birthday Bubbs! Mimi loves you!

Peace, Candy

Monday, July 29, 2013

Summer Almost Over?

So I just realized that in three weeks school is starting. Lived here for 23 years and still hate that we start in August instead of September after labor day like normal people. lol I feel as though we are being robbed. August is a summer month people. One year, when RB1 was in Kindergarten I think, they TRIED all year around school. Needless to say that didn't stick. Some parents split custody of kids and have in the summer. That would be harder then it already is to do that whole thing. 

I really just feel like summer just started. Kinda like how I feel like this weekend was so busy that it just flew by. Hence the not posting for 3 days. Sorry people when my daughter is in town we go into busy mode. Places to go people to see. Birthday parties and baptisms to be had. (Although technology baptism never happened due to it being on the beach and the weather was sketchy.) But you get the gist......

Back to school.......I have one son who will be a senior and one a seventh grader. That is very odd too but a story for a different time. 

Ugh I guess I better get on the whole new back pack and countless paper products as well as five different things to write with. Kudos to moms everywhere that join me in this back to school stuff. 

Peace, Candy

Thursday, July 25, 2013

All About Me?

So we had to write a bio for the new band website that our fearless leader has been working on so diligently. I have written them before. Especially recently while starting this blog and the little ones you do for Pinterest etc. It really is awkward to write about yourself. I feel like I am trying to sell myself or I am signing up for those online dating sites. 

I like long walks on the beach.............(Actually I do like long walks on the beach but I didn't write that. lol)
I guess it goes along with how I feel of the selfies I see on Facebook all the time. Not a big fan of pictures anyway and I really don't like to take them myself. Especially at my age. 

Reminds me of that Must Love Dogs movie. You say fancier words to describe yourself if you don't like something about yourself.  You change the wording on it. Ex: Flat chested is athletically built.......and so on. 
What's nice about this time in my life is that I can say how many kids and grandkids I have so that way it's not all about me. 

Now granted I love to talk but believe it or not, not a fan of describing or telling things about myself. Yet I have a blog. lol Makes no sense I know. I will stick to the funny stories or predicaments I find myself in rather then the " I was born a coal miners daughter" aspect of it. 

Although I do like getting "caught in the rain!" Flash back to my age of peeps who know what song I am referring too. =)

Peace, Candy

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

If I Was A Rich Girl.............

I had that song If I was a rich girl dun na na na na na na...............stuck in my head yesterday. I think the last time I heard it was when I was watching Confessions of a Shopaholic, for the third time, a few months ago.
I'm sure that most of us probably played the "if I won the lottery" game. (I don't really play so that would be hard.) RB4 asked me if we won 1 million dollars would I eat meat? lol He's funny. I told him I haven't since 1995 and I wasn't a big fan before so I don't know what having more money would do. 

I still think I would shop cheap. I like things whether they are expensive or cheap. I would rather get a deal on something that was once expensive. It's like a game I guess. If I had Oprah money (you know what I'm talking about) then I think I would have a cook. Not my favorite thing to do and I would gladly give it up. 

Everyone laughs at me because they name off these really nice cars they would get. Me, nope a pink beetle. Of course I would probably have a bigger car for the whole family but Reba and I would do the majority of our cruising in the pink beetle. 

I would mostly like to travel. The hubster hasn't really been to alot of places in the US and I would like to show him. I personally would like to go to England, Ireland, and Australia. 

For now I will walk around the neighborhood and think about my riches I already have. Health, family, friends........

If any of you now know what to get me. hehe Your welcome!

Peace, Candy

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Back at it

Trying this ceiling fan again today with a 20 foot ladder. Talk about awkward. Its so big it has reflectors on the bottom and as my youngest says, "it's own zip-code!" It makes me dizzy looking up at it.  We all know I don't need to be dizzier then I already am. Today marks day two of the sluggishness. Too much on the brain maybe?
 Just got back from band practice and I was yawning the last 45 minutes. I'm pretty sure  they think that I ran  a few laps before I came in. 

Short but sweet today I guess. 

Peace, Candy

Monday, July 22, 2013

Sluggish Monday

So do any of you just have days where you seriously can't get out of your own way? I could see if there was a reason for it like a late night or eating too much food that weighs you down but I had none of that. I actually got my 8 hours like a champ and ate light the night before. I have been trying to walk or ride my bike since our church started this read a chapter walk a mile in June. Scheduled to be over Sept. 16th (just so happens this is me n the hubbys 13th anniversary), So far I am at 94 miles because my personal goal was to double the 100. Anywho, I have been riding my bike 10 miles for 3 days a week so it's not like this was my first time. I thought to myself, well it's Monday and surely your just needing to get back into it. (Then of course I reprimanded myself for calling me surely.) Ahhh the fun stuff inside my brain. Ok so anyway for real.....I did good for most of it. I was  listening to a Nicolas Sparks book on Audible (I HIGHLY recommend) and pretty much enjoying the scenery. That was until I got about one mile from home. I don't know if it was the heat or that I hadn't eaten yet or what but I almost made a call to the hubster to come pick me up. 

Then because I didn't plan the rest of the day well, I had to go to the grocery store and walk some more on my rubber legs. Of course you trip more when your legs are tired. Which caused me to hurt myself. Which made me mad. Plus. it was monsoon raining out so I am trying to hurry.

All because I am feeling sluggish. Hmmmm Hope tomorrow is better because now I am done for the day and darn happy about it but afraid to recreate today.

Bet it has something to do with stupid hormones.......

Peace, Candy

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Scarf Hoarder???

So while trying to find shoes the other day, I came to the conclusion I really need to go through my closet again. I guess it had been awhile. I normally try to not do any real cleaning on Sundays because it is my day of rest with family and friends. Yesterday however, the hubby, RB4 and I decided we would watch 3 movies. Worked out good because hubbys back was acting up and it was raining. I watched Pirates of the Caribbean for the first time. (don't know why I had never seen and we own it)  I like it but not the point of this story. 

Anywho.....back to the closet.........I don't know if you are like this but if you are in the mood to do something then you do it. No questions asked. You don't care what day it is, you just do it. That's how I felt about the closet. 

Some of you may know I have a purse problem. Shoe problem is slowly rising but what I was totally caught of guard by was the many many scarves I own. 

Now you all know I live in Florida. Why do I have so many scarves. I do not know this. If you see me wearing scarves alot it is because I have to justify why I have (and could not part with) all these scarves. Some of them you could use up north.  (maybe I will send to my friend who just moved to MO). lol

I also did find a few dresses I forgot I had that will come in handy for the cruise and a pair of jean shorts. Score. But mainly scarves.......

So if you ever need a scarf.......I'm your girl.

Peace, Candy

Friday, July 19, 2013

Happy Bumpin.......

Do you ever have a day or maybe three where people are trying to bump into your happy? You get up and exercise and do your thing and then you get a phone call or text and then the rest of the day you are trying to get back to your happy state? I am not one to cry over spilled milk. As a matter of fact I usually don't let every single thing get to me but sometimes, when it nears 4:00 and I have had all I can take.......
The older I get the more it just exhaust me to deal with happy bumpers.

Tonight we are going to have a fun food and friends night. The best homemade sushi around. Been planned for a month. Looking forward to it. I am hoping I can change my mood before then. I have 2 1/2 hours. 
Challenged accepted. 

Should be against the law to have happy bumpers on a Friday. What bumps into your happy?

Hope you all have a great weekend if I don't talk to you sooner. Thanks for reading. 

Peace, Candy

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Circus on Wheels!

So today I blog from a remote place. Helping the hubby put up ceiling fans in a subdivision next to us. He had 3 to do and I'm here for back up. I  am afraid of heights so I help carry the 14 foot ladder and hand him things. As of right now I am waiting for instruction soIwill talk to you all.

Apparently a wire was still hot and it sparked. He dropped pliers and I screamed. He stayed firm on 14 foot. I wanted to go lie down. Wrong screws in back to house for spares..

Two fans down. The other one a no go.  Ceiling was 20 feet. Have to rent a ladder for that one. 
Taking the other ladder back that we borrowed. Strap fell out of truck. I hop out at light... Hubby almost runs over foot.
Feeling like today isn't really going all that well. Lol 
Made it home. Have to run out again. Forgot to drop off Redbox while we were out. After that I am putting us in a self appointed time out. 

Always an adventure with us. Wouldn't trade it. Circus on wheels!

Peace, Candy

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Singer life

So I'm sitting here at band practice and we are working on a new song. The two guitarist are going over this one part n the keys n bass are joining in too. Me not playing an instrument, I pulled up a stool and am writing to you all. 
Love my band. There are two of us gals that don't play anything  and just sing. This especially works out good when we do gigs out. We just kind of show up. Now of course if anyone of them needs help on carrying things  back and forth we do try to help. You gotta be careful touching a musicians things though. You do not want to get beheaded if you mess something up. Very expensive equipment dontcha know? 

Seriously though I have the best band members. I think that's why we have been at it for seven years. We truly like each other. That's really important because we spend alot of time together. If I have told you this before I apologize. But maybe I just need to give them a shout out again. To all my band bro's and sisters...YOU ROCK!

O I guess it's my turn to look alive and actually participate in the song. 

Peace, Candy

Monday, July 15, 2013


So I'm writing out birthday cards. The month of July is crazy. I think I might have told you that before. I have a special drawer for my stationary. Yes, I still have stationary and cards. I even have a box with dividers to separate the cards for different holidays.  I also have a large bag That has quite a few Ziploc sandwich bags full of different kinds of confetti. Everyone knows to open a card from me carefully. Sometimes I try to mess with you a little and I won't put it in every single holiday card.  Then I send you a card and it's BOOM! I'm back. My hubby calls it glitter.  One of my friends opens cards from me over the trashcan.

 It's really fun when I  meet new people. 

One time my friend, who lives in Oregon, was saying how much she missed the beach. She had made three trips here to Florida the year before. I thought I would cheer her up by sending her some sand. Turns out she just got her carpets cleaned and there was Florida sand all over. I found it funny. I don't think she did as much. I don't know when I started with the confetti. I remember even as a teen writing out cards and having all sorts of stationary. I actually have confetti for every holiday and some that isn't for any holiday.

 You never know what you are going to get. So if you get a card from me… Be on the look out. You never know when I may strike!


Sunday, July 14, 2013


What a weekend. I am exhausted! Sometimes you look forward to Monday to rest up from the swirl of activities that you just were part of. Two birthday parties, a car show and NOW (Night of Worship) Movie and dinner with friends. Also, adding in picking up and hanging out with my two grandsons both Friday and today. Now I am not complaining. I am very blessed to be surrounded by such great people. I am however thinking that besides my walk and a the basic house chores, I may take a small nap. I say this while smiling because this in theory sounds good but probably won't happen

As for tonight I will hit the sack. I hope everyone has a great night. and more importantly a great week. Take some time for yourself whether it be a hot bath or a nice walk. Pick out a new polish or get a pedicure. If your really busy maybe read or thumb through a magazine for just a few minutes. Whatever you do enjoy your time out. 

Peace, Candy

Saturday, July 13, 2013

A Little of Everything............

So today it's finally happening. I am going to a rubber room. Don't get excited people, it's a birthday party for a 5 year old that takes place in a room that you can bounce everywhere. Trampoline room if you will. I know some of you were probably very excited that they finally caught up to me and my craziness. Nope sorry still roaming the streets bringing joy and sometimes misery to all of you. 

Last night we went to the movies and my 12 year old said me and my friends, (my sis and bro inlaw and his father) were being too loud. The movie hadn't started yet and we were talking about all the upcoming movies we would like to see. Too loud. Funny coming from my loudest child.

Yesterday I also had two of my grandsons. Man, they are so fun. Tired us out though. They are quick like ninja's. I love them so much. At almost two and nine months, you could just sit back and watch them and be entertained. (This is of course if someone else is actually watching them as well) 

Today my hubby celebrates his 46th birthday. Our gifts to eachother (my bday is in September) will be our cruise. Can't wait. Less then two months away now.

Ok time to go wrap a gift and get ready to bounce...literally............

Peace, Candy

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Being a Mimi

So today I'm getting things done around the house because tomorrow I'm meeting my daughter to pick up two of my grandsons. Her youngest is nine months old and just got into a big boy car seat yesterday. Her oldest, my first grandson will be two at the end of this month. What good boys they are. I don't even mind when GRB 1 ignores me when he gets to the house because Papa is in view. He will literally make a beeline to the garage to see my hubby. I think that is so cute. I love being a grandma. They are right in what they say. There's something special about being a grandparent. I'm hoping that since I been getting exercise I can keep up with them some more. Hehe
Hope everyone has a wonderful day. Remember to stop in the moment and appreciate all your blessings.

Peace, Candy
Here is 3 out of the 4 watching Monsters Inc.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Early bird or Night owl.....

I am a night owl. Not a morning person. That would be my husband. He wakes up talking. Me...not so much. I will paint the kitchen at 3 am while pregnant though. I am up and what else is there to do? Some of my best ideas have came at night. It's 11:22 and I am just now writing this to you. On a mission to get it in before midnight. I don't know why really? But thats how I roll so here ya go.........

I don't mind the mornings but I really just can't wrap my head around just getting up raring to go. I think it's crazy and should be a law that no one should be up that early fully functioning. It's just not right. Now that I think of it, I bet it was someone like me who invented coffee. =) 

When we travel my hubby drives in the day and I take the night shift. Even though I have good vision I don't see all that well at night. But I still like to drive because it's peaceful. AKA all the kids are sleeping and I can just jam out to my Madonna Greatest Hits cd. Yes, that is my traveling music. Yes, I just said that out loud. 

I am pretty sure all my kids our night owls too.  Actually as I am typing my hubby and youngest are playing a video game. Party house here tonight.

Ok well I think will go load the dishwasher. Didn't have time before practice. Again, the fun never stops here. 

Peace, Candy

Monday, July 8, 2013


So it's my hubbys birthday on Saturday. He will be 46. I just had to remind him it was his birthday because even though his sisters is July 5 and we just celebrated it and he also knows that they are the same age for 9 days..........He always forgets. Especially now as we get older. We have a birthday party to go to for a 5 year old on Saturday. Tha'ts what started the whole conversation. After remembering his registration and tags are due something told me to check his drivers license. Yep, sure enough it expires on Saturday as well. Now I know we probably should have known that information but well you know? I was just impressed that I remembered the tags. No wonder we try to forget our birthdays as we get older. They are quite spendy.

I did the same thing on my birthday. Only I waited til the last minute, couldn't renew on line then had to pay a late fee. Well technology is why I had to pay a late fee because when I went down the day before my birthday, I didn't realize that I had to have proof of who I was to renew a license that they had issued me in the first place. Meaning two forms of id, two things with your address on them and your social security card. The 30 minute drive for nothing didn't really help the situation much either. But I had to use my own fave words against me. "Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine." Lesson learned. I have all the documents for my hubby and I even made an appointment.

So here's to birthdays not being as fun as they used to be. Cheers........

Peace, Candy

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Be Kind!

Today my pastor reminded me of the simple act of kindness. He posed the question what would it be like if everybody was kind to each other? Kindness does attract more kindness. He challenged us this week to smile at people. Most important thing would be to do something for someone else without expecting anything in return. We all fall short when it comes to that I think. 

What if you were at the grocery store and you were nice and kind to the cashier? There's a good chance that you're the only one that would be kind to her that day. I worked in customer service, I know. Sometimes it's hard to be kind. I hate when people are mean to people that I know are kind and loving. I challenge you all to be kind to people today. Just little things. Somebody  drops something, pick it up. Open the door for that mom that is by herself with three small kids. Wave and smile at your neighbor. I know I am a lot happier when people are kind to me.

 Maybe it will catch on. Today I shall be short and sweet.

Be kind! That is all!

Peace, Candy

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Hated Chores!

So I went to do laundry again today and got to thinking about how much I hated laundry. I'm okay washing it. Okay folding it, well most of the time. What  I'm not okay with is putting it away. Just like dishes I will wash them all day long but hate putting them away. Good example of that is I washed the dishes that me and my husband have accumulated this week since my son has been gone and I bet we were four days into his trip before actually put the dishes away that were in the dishwasher. I would literally rather wash them by hand then put away the dishes in the dishwasher. Is that weird?

I don't have a problem putting other things away. Like when we get home from a trip I always unpack right away. Something about laundry and dishes though.  Once again I think that may be hereditary. My daughter does not like this chore either. I know for sure my mom doesn't. That could be the root of the problem. We don't like it so that ends up being one of our kids chores and then they do it and then they don't like it either  so that's one of their kids chores and it goes on and on..............Seems legit!

 Just picked up  my camper. I have been hearing great stories. Can't wait to hear more. Maybe we will discuss them over putting away dishes and laundry.

Peace, Candy

Friday, July 5, 2013

Beachin It!

So I made it through the fourth of July with no kids or grand kids. Gotta say not my fave! RB4 will be back tomorrow afternoon. 
As for today though.....goin to the beach with a friend and her kids. First beach day of the year. Well, I have walked on it a few times but not actually hung out there. 
I always forget that we live so close to where people literally save their pennies all year to come to just spend a week here. I do remind myself that though when I get there.

 I do love the beach. I'm not however a fan of beach clean up. Sand really does get everywhere. I will find it a few days later. Usually in places you wouldn't think to look. hehe 
I am hoping that our normal afternoon showers wait til way later in the afternoon as we are having them earlier it kinda puts a damper on your outside activities for a bit. After you have done all the packing you do wait til the rain passes though if your at the beach.

Interesting part of the beach is all the different kinds of people and swimsuits or lack of, that you see. Speedos are still around people. Whether you like them or not. 

Sunscreen packed and I am ready to go. Hope everyone has a nice day. 

Peace, Candy

Thursday, July 4, 2013

4th of July!

So apparently I have started a tradition unbeknownst to me. I guess I don't blog,the third of the month? I realized I forgot yesterday. Then I also remembered I think June 3rd I didn't and blog either. Weird!

Any-who, it's the Fourth of July, America's birthday. I always want to remember and thank the men and women who fought and are still fighting for our freedom.

We are kidless this fourth. That's an odd feeling. I do think we shall go see the fireworks though because my band buddy is going to DJ the show. That should be fun. I really am not a fan of fireworks. I like to watch them and do all the ooooooo aaaahhhhhh's but to set any off............I'm afraid of fire. I think that may be why I never took up smoking. lol I could never light the wood stove when I was younger because I would drop the lit match. It has taken me years to hold a sparkler. Yep, no fire for me. 

In my country decorating I have incorporated the red~white~blue in my house. My bedroom is done in Americana. Very patriotic looking. =) 

I actually remember being in school celebrating big in 1976........Not to be confused with 1776. I'm not that old.

Todays blog brought to you by the letter R for Random stuff I thought I would tell you. 

Be safe America.

Peace, Candy

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Emails R' Us

So I just spent the last, I don't know, 30 minutes unsubscribing from emails that I probably never have opened once. I would just always delete them. Go down the list and check off all and delete. Well it's a new day my friend because I couldn't take it anymore. lol I am sure I will have more to do tomorrow and the next. If you see me out please remind me to just not delete on phone but to take the time to unsubscribe. 

I just posted yesterday about working smarter not harder and maybe I am in a de-cluttering mood so I guess that goes for emails as well.
I think sometimes we give our emails out to get something for free or something. I don't know about you but I am thinking now it's not really worth it. 

The best one I unsubscribed from would be Spirit airlines. I flew with them last May and it was a terrible experience customer service wise. You would have thought to see their name pop up atleast once a month, I would have been reminded and then went ahead and got rid of them. But nooooooo........check and delete.

Well no more people. I am taking a stand. Clear email from now on. (she says standing on the kitchen table) 

Ok I am not really standing on table on account of I would break my neck but you get the need for a lil drama there. 

Ok, I got mail. Gotta go....

Peace, Candy

Monday, July 1, 2013

Smarter not Harder

So I remember a friend once saying, "I try to work smarter not harder!" I really have tried to do that over the years. I think that's why I love self help books. I just recently realized that since I have been married with kids I am constantly reading on how to better myself or my family. I also love the fact that now you can get the blogs sent right to your email. I wish I would have had access to a little more then a few articles when I was just starting out.
 I tell my daughter how blessed she is to know so much information and know it in her 20's while I am getting things in my 40's. (cough cough)

I'm sure Oprah probably helped my generation with that as well. I learned some things off of her show that I seriously would never ask anyone about. hehe 

I'm in the middle of 3 books right now. 2 are self help. One is Nicholas Sparks The Wedding. I listen to that while I am walking. 

In one of these books it would probably tell me to get off the computer and go hang with my hubby. As I told you yesterday we are home alone after my baby just went to camp. Date week.............

Learn something new today that will help you tomorrow!!

Peace, Candy