Thursday, February 6, 2014

Weather Weirdness

So I don't know why it boggles my brain so much about the different weather situations we have been having in the US of A....It does though. 
How can it be 82 here in Florida and like 10 in MO where my bff lives? They are on their fourth snow day this week. It's Thursday for those of you that don't wanna do the math. 

I saw this post of FB earlier......Store closed due to Mega Winterpocalypse  Snowmageddon Def Con 4 Killstorm 2014. I thought this was hysterical. Sounds like someone is a lil bitter. 

But rest assured people.Yesterdays 82 is todays cloudy, rainy, 57. The groundhog is saying 6 more weeks of winter. You literally just have to check on a day to day basis. 

Last week our heater was broke for 5 days with a plethora of problems. We got it fixed and one day later it hit 80 again. By the way, I learned a few things during that time...1. I have no long sleeve pjs or pj pants that are long...2.My robe is not as long as I thought...3.Opening the oven for your main source of heat is NOT ideal....It was 40 here people. We have a cold wet 40 so don't judge. 

I also find it funny that people get so, shall we say uptight about the weather. I live in Florida. We are not prepared for cold. Also, even if I lived in the cold we would have another source of heat. The biggest thing that makes me laugh was, well be glad your not up north. Ummmm I'm pretty sure the people up north are not in houses that got down to 59 degrees. 

But I digress.....

When its hot as H E double hockey sticks in August I will be sure to say, Well be glad you don't live in Florida.......Ps. Normally its not 100 degrees in your house here either. ;)

Stay warm people. Or if you live in Florida stay cool. Well maybe next week. 

Peace, Candy