Sunday, June 30, 2013

Summer Camp

So my youngest son, RB4, is going to his first camp tomorrow for a week. He actually didn't want to go but since it's in the Florida Keys, I persuaded him a bit. I told him even if he was miserable, he would be doing so in the Keys.He's just not a big sleep over kind of kid. Either was my oldest son.
 Me and my hubby went their on our honeymoon 13 years ago. Would love to go back. Don't you wish your church camps were in some tropical paradise? There was no problem on chaperones I'm sure. =) He gets to go snorkeling too. Very exciting. 

Now to the problem....Mommas having a hard time. hehe I am sure I will be fine so don't worry about me but this is a big deal. I am excited that my hubby and I will be alone for a week. When does that ever happen? I am pretty sure I haven't been with out kids for 26 years. Always had one here. How weird will that be?

I went to camp when I was 12 as well. I don't remember a whole lot of things from my childhood off hand but I do remember having a blast at camp. The last four years the band has been blessed enough to go to conferences for 4 days or so. These are like camp for adults. We have the best time. 

I packed Jr a water proof camera. I hope he takes at least a few pics of something interesting. hehe Maybe when the go snorkeling or to the aquarium thingy.On a side note, packing for boys is so much easier. =)

Time to go roll up the sleeping bag....

Peace, Candy

My Future Car....

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Bridesmaids (not the movie)

So today my daughter and I are going out to get her bridesmaids dress for the wedding and she's in an October. I have been a bridesmaid a time or two. It's a fun job but it can be exhausting as well. Who knew there were so many different colors in the family of purple or green? You are ALWAYS promised you can wear the dress again. I did however wear my bff's maid of honor dress again as she married on the beach and it was a very cute sun dress. Thats the way to go I think.

 I also like that now a days you can pick any dress you want but as long as its the same color. When I think of weddings and bridesmaid dresses, I think of the movie 27 Dresses. Loved that movie. I think that whether you are thin or fluffy you should never wear a bow on your butt. Who ever thought that would be cool? You always want to have the attention go to the bride but with a big bow of four butts walking ahead of you it is kind of hard. Maybe that's why they let you have a minute before the bride walks up. You have to get yourself back to reality and not focus on butt bows.

Any who, you always want to look decent in your dress not to upstage the bride of course but you are in front of shared family and friends I'm assuming since you rarely are probably in weddings with random strangers. Sometimes this is more difficult, do to the fact that you have different shaped women trying to wear the same cut dress. It is what it is and I would do it again if asked though. =)

I love weddings and being a bridesmaid.

So carry on my bridesmaids to be or former bridesmaids............Rock that bow!! No really step away from the bow. 

Peace, Candy

Friday, June 28, 2013

Water Park Fun

So today my band or the band I'm in rather......hehe is playing at a water park. I'm truly excited about this. This will be our biggest show to date. (insert nervous giggle here) They are hoping to make this an annual thing. That would be great. Hoping for the weather to behave itself though as we tend to get crazy rain late afternoon.

I am also excited that pretty much my whole family (except one son and one grandson) will be there. My son is up in PA and my grandson is just two months old so he's a wee  bit lil for a water park yet. 
I was just remembering that my hubby has not been to a water park since we first got together over 14 years ago. That should be fun. 

Last time I went to a park I hurt myself. No fault of the parks though. I was just having a clumsy day and came off a slide whacking my mouth. (That should be my hint to close it?) The funny part was I didn't realize I hit it so bad that when I walked up to RB4, who I think was 10 at the time, I scared him to death. Apparently I had blood dripping down my chin. Well that's attractive. Not! Luckily I explained to him rather quickly that Momma was okay or we probably wouldn't be going today. hehe

RB4 likes the lazy river the best. I find this weird because the park has all these water slides and yet he just likes to float around in a circle.

Well I hope you have a good Friday in whatever you do. If you think of me around 4 ish...Pray for no rain and a smooth show at 6. 

Peace, Candy

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Angry Eyes

It seems as though everyone is angry lately. A lot of that probably has to do with some of it injustices of the world. When I am angry I use the quote from Toy Story. I love that movie. Even if I didn't have kids I would probably watch it. Anywho, when the pig, slotted pig if you will, is getting ready to go fight, his wife packs his angry eyes.

I try not to get my angry eyes out but sometimes it's inevitable. When I really get angry is when kind people or children get treated poorly. No one deserves hatred really but some people effect me differently I guess. 

I continually am having a convo with myself..Man, this really makes me mad. Well, can you help the situation by being mad? Is it making it worse? Are you
annoying others by being mad and you can't do anything about? That last one was for a few people I know that get all up in arms after watching the news. 

Hormones play a big factor if and when my "angry eyes" will come out. I am happy to say that I have finally learned when I am "reaching for them" I can 
(most of the time) cut myself off at the pass. That's where my self induced time outs come in. Yes, I put myself in time outs. Saving lives people.......

So even though my "angry eyes" are sitting on my night stand, I am not carrying them with me today. Join me in this ban of the "angry eyes"....

Peace, Candy

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Pink and Shiny! My Fave! 👠

Summer Cleaning?

Theres spring cleaning and in my house there is also summer cleaning. Summer cleaning usually consist of the kids closets so they can help me. Sometimes that's not good though because my youngest son seems to think he has to keep everything he ever owned. Even if it's no good. He gets that from my mom. Love ya mom. =)

I think I  fall somewhere in between. Depending on my mood I guess. I will keep something for a long time then wonder why I kept it so long because it was never used. I recently went through my own closet and purged alot of clothes. Every once in awhile though I do find that I am looking for something that I got rid of. Yesterday I cleaned out our bathroom cupboards and found this ice/heat pack that I wish I would have known we had a few weeks ago. I had this beanie thing that you put in the microwave for 2 minutes and it was wonderful but one of the kids "borrowed" it and it got a hole and lost alot of rice. Hmmmm... The one I found yesterday I never have seen before. My hubby said it was his before we got married. 14 years later....

Me and RB4 were cleaning this cupboard out and laughing because it was like a clown car. I kept pulling out sheets. I didn't realize I had that many sheets. I don't actually know why I do either. I feel like a brand new gal now that I did this job that only really took me 20 minutes. Isn't that how procrastination works?

Well I guess I should start on some more of my summer cleaning. Wonder what goodies I will find. 

Peace, Candy

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Your Scale Hates You!

I have decided that our scale hates us. So many of us focus on what it says. You could be doing good for a month but show limited movement so we have a tendency to give  up. Do we take into consideration about what our body is telling us? Like do you feel better? Have you been making healthier choices? Could you maybe be losing inches that you didn't think about? Funny thing is your weight ranges 1 to 2 pounds at different times the day and of course different times of the month.

 Now if it ever reads wth? I say get rid of it because obviously it's been tampered with. =) Seriously though I think I finally have got this concept. I am trying to do better but not killing myself. Really the weight loss is a bonus. The feeling clearer and healthier and not feeling like I may die at any moment is my goal. I have dropped as much as 40 pounds and 40 inches before but keeping it off is the tricky part. In the world view I would be considered a normal size woman. (Unless I was modeling then i would be considered a plus size at a size 10-12!!!) 

A few years ago I would not have posted this info because I would be embarrassed to talk about this. Now I feel as though if I learn something I want to share it as others have done with me. So as of now I am quoting a friend of mine that says, "In this situation, current weight, I am accepting not approving!"

From this time forward I will hope that you join me and not believe the lies our hater scales are telling us. Keep on making better choices and help those around you do the same if you can. 

On a totally unrelated note but highly worth mentioning....My grandson, GRB1, who is not quite two, has pooped on the potty today. WOO HOO!

Peace, Candy

Monday, June 24, 2013

Monday Monday

Mondays always get a bad rap. I guess it depends on what your going back too. Being at home at the moment I don't mind Mondays. When the kids are at school especially. I use that as a catch up day. Like right now I should be cleaning but I decided to take a break and talk to you all. Hehe

When I worked outside the house though it was nice to get back to routine. I don't know about you all but I usually am more organized when I have to go to work. Maybe it's because my time is limited at home? I guess it's like if you have a little more time in the morning you end up running late because you can fit more things in? Ex: I have more time now but I know it therefore I procrastinate.  Make sense? Probably not. My brain isn't always on board with what I am trying to say. 

Of course it throws you for a loop if Monday is a holiday. Humans that are normally pretty intelligent get all confused by this. We really are creatures of habit. Don't mess with our routine. Well, we do manage to get over the confusion because it was a holiday though don't we?

What are some of the good things we look forward to on Mondays? Maybe that Starbucks that we don't do over the weekend? Or going potty by ourselves because for the most part your co-workers will let you? Or maybe a lunch that doesn't consist of kid friendly food??

Happy Monday everyone. Hope you have a good week no matter where you find yourself today. 

Peace, Candy

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Anyone else?

So I was up from 12:20 to 3:30 AM. I went to bed at 10 and normally I'm so tired on Saturday nights and since I have to get up early Sunday,  I stay asleep. Last night however, I was trying to fight off a migraine, so I drank alot of water so you know what that leads to? I would've posted this earlier but I tried to get a nap in.  (hint: Never state you are going to take a nap because, in my case, it rarely works out.)  After I was up for quite a while, I realized after getting on Facebook, it was actually a full moon. That explains a lot. I was always have trouble sleeping when is the full moon. I think it's hereditary. My mom does and now the three oldest kids. When I was younger my room was across the hall from my mom and dads and if it was a full moon I would yell out "Mom are you awake?" She ofcourse would be like "YEP!" So last night as I got on FB, I saw  and one kid posted and the other one told me earlier today that he was up all night as well. RB1 I haven't talked to today yet but I can almost bet on it. I will get back to you all on that. hehe

 Even Reba was awake. That was only a problem when she thought after awhile we might as well get up and go outside.

They say that people act crazier when it's a full moon. I imagine it would be hard for anyone to tell that with me as I am already pretty certifiable on a regular basis. 

So here's to an early bed time tonight. Next time there is a full moon. Think of me. 

PS. Ugh, just remembered the moon is going to be closest to us tonight. Well maybe early bed tomorrow?

Peace, Candy

Saturday, June 22, 2013


Well slap the dog and spit in the fire. I actually found a one piece that looks okay on me. If you read my other blog a while back about shopping for clothes and swimsuits, you will know that this is a pretty big deal. Best part about this whole situation is that I got it for free. Had it for year and forgot about it. My one friend gave me a bag of clothes that another friend of hers was getting rid of and the tag was still on it. Hallelujah!

 Any who, this whole post isn't about my swimsuit even though this is a very joyous occasion and we should all take a moment and thank the Lord. It's about summer. I just took my 12-year-old to a friends pool and was reminded how thankful I am to have friends that will let us use their pools at any time. This one was at their clubhouse so we had it all to ourselves.It is very hot obviously and any kind of water is appreciated. Also I feel very  blessed that I am able to still have my 12-year-old want to hang out with me. Funny part was (I don't know if it's because I have lived here for 23 years and I've learned or I just really wanted to go to the pool today especially since summer started yesterday) but  even though it was raining as we drove up we we stayed. Actually bobbed around the pool while it rained on us. My son was quite impressed. That will be a memory that we have of how he floated around in the rain. Besides that quick shower the rest of the hours we spent were glorious. My hubby even came over and joined us for awhile.

 We even met a nice lady named Terry and we plan to get together again soon. 

I hope to make this summer a good one. Glad to make new friends and hang with old ones too. 

Happy Summer everyone!!!

Peace, Candy

Friday, June 21, 2013

Wrong words

Does your chewing gum lose its flavor on the best post over night........That song from camp just popped in my head. Songs are funny. Actually the words that my family and friends, that they have told me, hear...well some are just too funny.
I will start with me...There is a song out right now on the radio and the words are 'Like the ceiling can't hold us" Well even as I am listening, I know that what I am thinking it says its not right. Mostly because my words don't really make sense. Wait for it.......I was singing "Like a ceiling fan holder" What is that exactly? I don't know. I do know that now anyone that I have told that to cannot sing it right. My daughter even is making that my ringtone. haha
She really can't make too much fun of me because she used to think that the late  Mindy McCready song "Guys do it" was "down stewy" Or "daddy wants to sell the farm" was "Daddy wants a cell a phone".My good me too friend (got her name because mostly everything I say or do she does too) once told me that mine and my hubbys wedding song, Amazed by LoneStar, has a whole new meaning now when we hear it because the first line that says "Everytime our eyes meet" her friend thought it said "everytime I rise meat." Again, what does that even mean?

What funny things have you thought a song said? We won't judge.
Laughing is contagious!

Peace, Candy

Thursday, June 20, 2013

We all have these...

Some say it's the terrible twos… But don't you have days like these as well? I guess we typically don't really don't close our eyes and ears in public? Maybe some of you do. This is my almost 2 year old first grandson. GRB1. Even though he wasn't listening to Momma, to the rest of us we think he is cute. That wouldn't fly though if he was older. Would we think it was cute if we saw a grown man or woman or man do this? Probably not. Sometimes you just don't feel like listening. You listen all day and night. You listen to bosses, kids,husbands,tv,radio...........listen~listen~listen! Well I am now giving you permission to do this when you don't feel like listening anymore. Hehe 

Be careful when you use this though because I do believe God gave us only one mouth and two ears for a reason. Maybe it's not such a bad thing to listen. Maybe if we feel the need to not listen we can put ourselves in a lil timeout. (I do this all the time)

So people listen up or don't. The choice is yours.

Peace, Candy

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


So do you ever have a day where it's not really to be considered a bad day but everything is a struggle? We have renamed this as "I need to get across the street not go around the whole block" kind of day. This is my day today. I needed to pick up shot records for my kids to go to camp. I drive down there and apparently every third Wednesday they have a staff meeting from 8-11 but don't open back up til 1:00. Awesome. So we wasted time and got other things done including lunch which for me was Black Bean nachos at this local place that is family owned. Then at Walmart everything that I was looking for was in a different place because it was not the usual Walmart and of course the dressing room attendant snapped at me for asking if the dressing rooms were for men and women. Not posted so how dare me ask such a question. Fast forward to trying to get someone to answer at the church to drop off papers. Normally I would drop them off at youth group but they are meeting at the beach tonight. Then my fave plastic cup that I drink my water out of...well the straw cracked and busted off.

See little things like that. Not traumatic. Just annoying. Probably would be less annoying if we weren't getting out of the car in the blazing sun and  humidity fill air.

I am very lucky now to have learned that even though we have days like these and are annoying at the time.....I can now see even before the day is over that I did get to have a nice day with my son. We got camp stuff purchased and papers were dropped off. (Drove there anyway) 

O and my Mr. Fix it hubby cut off the broken cracked plastic straw so it's now just a lil shorter. 
I am also writing this from inside the house where it's a cool 74 degrees. That always puts a better spin on things. 

All is well.

Peace, Candy

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


As I have said before, I live in Florida. When I first pulled into this state while driving a Uhaul, I saw and was a part of my first (as my mom called it) monsoon rain. I was pretty sure that it was not safe to live here and I was literally trying to stay calm enough to turn that beast of a truck around and  to get the heck out of Dodge.

 Since my mom wasn't really panicking, I did figure after a few moments, that maybe we would survive. 
I personally wanted to call the shelters because I just knew we wouldn't have power as we got to our destination and I was waiting to see some sort of cow flying by. (Twister quote)

Another thing that took me years to get used to here was that even though it was raining it was NOT cold out. I am from Oregon. It rains you grab a jacket. I bet it was close to 5 years later and I still grabbed a jacket. It just makes sense to me.
 It does not rain normal here. It rains sideways.  Umbrellas really don't help in that situation. Just today I waited as long as I could in the grocery store parking lot for it to let up just a little. Took out umbrella....still soaked. By the way I wished I would have brought a jacket because the milk isle is sure cold when you are soaking wet.
Besides the rain is the loud close thunder.  At 4 am I was awakened by the loudest thunder ever. I wear earplugs and it jolted me out of a dead sleep. I don't remember that happening in Oregon.

 I do, however love all the green that is here. There would be no green if there were no rain. So I will remember to bring my umbrella and also maybe my jacket and I will smile because it's about to get real pretty if you just wait a few. 

Peace, Candy

Monday, June 17, 2013

Kids think we are WEIRD!

So do your kids think your weird? Mine do. Maybe they don't all think that at the moment since I have four. Maybe the 3 older ones just accepted this as a fact and moved on. 
Sometimes they think I am cool. I especially love when they were younger or even my 12 year old now gets amazed if I sing a song off the radio that to him is brand new and really it is a remake from my time in the 80's. Or some of the things that are still goin around school now and I heard the same things when I was in school.. Down to... Bobby and Candy sittin in a tree........(you know your singing this right now) By the way I never have dated or even liked a Bobby for the record. At this moment I think I'm weird........

Where was I? Kids thinkin we are weird. Notice I said we because I know I'm not alone as I got this idea for this post off Facebook. My good friend Lenny (not her real name)  wrote that her daughter gave her a strange look because she was rockin with her earbuds in and her daughter just walked away. Lenny loves music. She sings and plays the keys in our band. 

One thing that I have learned is that maybe in all my weirdness it has shown my kids not to get embarrassed easily. They are not surprised my shenanigans!  

If your lucky your kids will grow up as weird or weirder then you. This makes my heart happy in a strange kind of way.

Peace, Candy

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Fathers Day

So it's Fathers Day.  It's RB1's first! Still getting used to my son being a daddy.

I have a great daddy. He is a hard worker and has always taken care of us. He is very smart too. My husband is a great daddy too. He is alot like my dad. They say you marry like your father. I did. Both these men love cars, racing and mechanics as well as the hard working and taking care of us part. 

My dad used to help me with my home work and for that I was grateful. My hubby does with our kids. 
Sometimes my hubby gets so into "helping" with projects that are more to his artistic side that he doesn't even notice that our son walked away and he is now by himself building a theme park or drawing the coliseum. 

I am not a dad but I see the one thing that dads let their sons do (sons are very excited by this) and they seem to love. That is peeing outside. Nothing made my boys more happier then getting to pee outside and a time or two off the porch. (We live in the country) Of course hubby told them to stop while he tried to control his laughter. =)

Dads are pretty cool! Lucky to have mine and lucky to have married such a good one.

 Happy Fathers Day to all you daddy's out there. If you can hug your dad or baby daddy or well you know??

Peace, Candy

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Jacked up on DayQuil

Ugh, I hate being sick. I am not close to taking my last breath by any means but it's the "Shouldn't be around people but you can still get things done" kind of sick. I like how I am in denial about the whole situation. As I was doing my walk Thursday, I started to notice that my throat was a lil scratchy. I of course automatically think I have some sort of allergy from something that I am walking by. (As of this moment in my life, I have no allergies) I disregard this scratchy throat feeling and move on. Then when I am watching a movie later I think to myself...maybe I scratched my throat on eating something. Only to realize from further thought that I had a protein shake for dinner.

So I go to bed still in denial. The next morning I feel worse but have stuff to do so I go along with my day with out any kind of cold medicine and I think well surely if I take NyQuil and sleep I will be healed before this am. NyQuil of course is the wonder drug for colds. It's kind of like how the dad in My Big Fat Greek Wedding uses window cleaner for everything.......I feel as though if I have to take something the NyQuil with do it. 

Fast forward til today. 9 1/2 hours of sleep later............Ugh feel worse. So I get to miss a baby shower I was looking forward to and fun stuff to get a lil cleaning done and feel dizzy every time I get up. Since the first part of getting better is admitting your sick...........I have now accepted this fact and have sadly made the walk to the medicine cabinet to get NyQuil's sister DayQuil. 

Party on my friends. You know where to find me. 

Peace, Candy

Friday, June 14, 2013

Peacemakers..Weak or strong?

I used to think that if you were quiet or didn't (what I thought at the time) stand up for yourself, you were weak. I don't mean that in a bad way. I mean it like your getting walked on and that's  not cool.
Boy, how I have learned what the difference is in being week or strong. I am pretty feisty by nature. I think I might have come out of the shoot like that. (old rodeo term) I always try to help the underdog and there's nothing wrong with that, that I can see. But......I see now that you don't always have to be loud or in your face to help a situation. 

In my quest for peace lately, I have sat back and watched the people in my life that have this thing down for the most part. Seems to work out better for calmness and peace in a situation. It's also very freeing. It's nice to remember that we are all loved the same in God's eyes and he commands us to love one another. Now I used to think that well I can love them but I sure don't have to like them. That still may be true as I don't call Disneyland my home. (Wished I did, I would love to live in the castle) Anywho.....I have learned that being feisty all the time is exhausting and bottom line is I really don't think you get better results. 

Sit back and chill people. I may have that printed on a shirt........My very wise friend once told me in all situations do the right thing and then you have done your part. Exception to this being if you go after one of my kids or grand kids I will, mark my words, curb stomp you. But in general Relax!!

Peace, Candy

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Weird or????

 So am I the only one that does this? I see something that looks really good like sweet tea. It looks refreshing it looks good for summertime and yet I try it over and over again and I just can't seem to like sweet tea. I do the same thing for coffee. I really don't like coffee but I like the creamer that goes in it. So my coffee is often the shade of Micahael Jackson in the later years. No disrespect to the king of pop of course. They say that you should try things every seven years because your taste buds change but on coffee and tea I can't do it. I'm glad your taste buds change because I used to not like cheesecake. Say it ain't so candy! I'm telling the truth. About six years ago I tried it and Now I'm a firm believer that cheesecake is  from God.

 On the opposite spectrum of cheesecake… I used to not like brussel sprouts or onions when I was little. But now I like those as well. 

I love fruit. I do not like fruit in my food. I also do not think fruit is a dessert. I have said this before. But sometimes those desserts look so pretty and fun that I try them again and nope still not lovin it.

I used to not like cake but I figured it out in later years that it's the frosting. My mom would leave no frosting on my piece if she baked a cake.

The thing that I have never liked is pie. I don't care who you are or how you bake I don't like pie. Especially fruit in pie for reasons I just told you. I don't like the crust. Probably why i don't care for pastries either. 

I hope at this point I didn't lose any of you. Obviously if ya take a look at me it's not like I am withering away from not eating these things. I could probably eat my weight in brownies if ya tempted me. 

So maybe here soon I will try sweet tea again. I am sure you stopped to pray for me now. 

Well I am gonna shut my pie, no, cake, no........shut my brownie hole. 

Peace, Candy

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Love My Band

So I have told you I sing in a band. There are seven of us plus our sound guy. We have been a family for seven years I think. 
Notice I said family? We spend alot of time together and these people always have my back. Our motto is pretty much borrowed from our preacher and that is "All the love and none of the respect!" We are always messing with each other. 
Example of that would be Tuesday night practice...There is one other gal that sings and does not play an instrument like me. Budget constrictions don't allow the two of us an iPad at the moment. The guys are always referring to songs and such to look up. Of course we can't and its always good for a I finally got their version of an iPad...

 Love my band!
Peace, Candy

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Recovering Perfectionist

So i didn't post yesterday. I said I would try to post everyday. I even thought right before midnight "well you still have time!" Ugh maybe this is why I am writing today about my recovering perfectionist situation. I like things to be perfect. I can hear Dr. Phil say "How's that workin for ya?" (must use his accent when saying this) I of course have learned that things don't always turn out that way. Not even close. Funny that I thought it could be that way in the first place seeing how if you filled up the bath tub I could not nor will I ever be able to walk on water. I'm sure Jesus was worried for a minute. hehe 

Things lined up in the pantry or the toilet paper roll put on RIGHT will not help you in anyway in the real world I have learned. Some of my best times are when I am being the opposite of perfect. I think now they call that a HOT MESS! Hint for those of you who are like me.....(I know there are a few) No one cares. 

What is it they  say? A messy house is a sign of happy children? My kids must be pretty joyful right about now. 
Go out into the world and try and fail and then try again. My girl Lysa calls that imperfect progress! It's freeing and the people around you will thank you. Your kids will thank you and I am sure the most thankful will be your husband. If your not married, you future husband. 

Peace, Candy

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Kick The Can

So I was watching this movie Parental Guidance the other day, (It's very cute with Bette Midler and Billy Crystal). The plot was about a family with three kids that invites the grandparents (Bette- Billy) to babysit while the parents went away. The parents raise their kids a tad bit different as it is modern times but of course to the extreme since it is Hollywood. So obviously that's where all the trouble starts. 

The grandparents wanted to get the kids outside and off their electronics so they invited them to play "kick the can". That is even a lil before my time but it's basically a game where you run around and kick a  can and tag people. Well all the kids eventually participated after some coaxing and ended up having a blast. 

It got me to thinking on how hard it is these days to get our kids off the electronics and outside. My kids really aren't into sports. (one son was for awhile when he was younger). Of course it's harder here in Florida to get the kids out of the AC since it's already hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk. I tried this once when I lived in California but that's a story for another time. We like to play board games while we are inside but lately our new thing is sitting on the porch talking. That's where we have resumed are highs and lows for the day. Which consequently got me into making my fb page High/Low. There I go again off the road.......RB4 would say i have ADOS (Attention Deficit OOO Shiny). We now try to plan are outings around a body of water.

I hope that I remind you all as well as myself that our kids aren't going to be small for long so we need to enjoy them while we can. 

I think I may get off here and get ready for a beach trip. 

Peace, Candy

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Small Town Girl

As you know my bff moved away recently. She moved to a very small town of 402 people. 406 now that the 4 of them joined. I am enjoying hearing her stories of small town living. I grew up in a town that was about 900ish. We actually lived out of town but you get the gist. From 7-12th grade I am pretty sure that there were 200 kids total. I graduated in a class of 18.That of course made it difficult for dating. =) I think the school D's boys will be going to beat me out at a whoppin 120 students. Those boys are considered city folk coming from this lil town in Florida. 

I wasn't a fan living in a small town when I was younger but I would so move back to one now. I loved the closeness we had. One of my friends was killed accidentally when we were around 16 and it was like the whole town shut down for his funeral. 

On a happier note though.......It's alot like the movies you see where everyone comes out to watch your football team play and you can help people if they need it because everyone knows whats going on. The town I live in now has that too. Even though the population in 2010 was a lil over 22,000. I do believe the church I have been attending for almost 15 years has alot to do with that. I love the community and small townness (I do realize that's not a word) I get from my church. Maybe that's me getting the best of both worlds.

 I hope to someday visit my friend in her lil town. For now I will just listen to her stories that remind me of my youth and make me smile. 

Peace, Candy



Friday, June 7, 2013

100 Miles or Bust...........

So we are starting a new 100 mile campaign through our church tomorrow. Walk/run/ride bike for 100 miles, read 100 chapters in the bible and do it in 100 days. I gladly signed up for it (obviously I had way more energy that day). I am not a big exercise person. I don't hate it. If I am running there is a good chance I am doing it on my own and there is not a clown with a knife  chasing me. I do feel, however, that my body and my brain are not on the same page about this activity. The reading part I got. I can read all day long. I wish I got paid to read. Hmmmm maybe I will listen to my chapter while I walk. Got to love multitasking. 

Anywho, it's a big deal getting ready to start an exercise routine. What do I wear? Something cool because it's Florida. Not too cool because well you don't want to be the cause of any accidents. (I walk on sidewalk by a pretty busy street) I don't mean booty shorts people I just mean old white skin hangin out. For those of you that don't know what booty shorts are: Very short shorts that as my friend Jess would can almost see your uterus.

 Should I listen to music or a book? Sometimes I practice our songs when I walk. I am sure when I really get into one it's quite entertaining. If I am listening to a book will I stop and just listen? That really isn't productive. 

Well all this talk about it has made me realize I got to get off here and get ready for this adventure. (If you know me it will be an adventure of some sort). Stay tuned. I am sure a good story or two will come out of this. 
Gotta run or.......

 Peace, Candy

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Just Say NO

So my girl Lysa TerKeurst (well we haven't officially met yet) inspired me on todays subject. Truth be told this whole blogging and writing thing really. She is alot like me and I have learned to embrace my uniqueness. But thats another story for another day. Anywho, she was asking the question on why people, especially women, have such a hard time on saying no when asked to do things.
Some people are just pleasers and some don't want to miss out on things. I was trying to figure out why I had problems saying no. I have gotten alot better as I have gotten older but that's purely because I can't handle doing as much as I did before. I mean I am no spring chicken. (What does that mean anyway, spring chicken?) Oooooo shiny.....Anywho, I would even sign  my husband up for things. He's a big hearted man that wouldn't say no to anyone so sometimes that was a problem. ;) I think the biggest reason for me was because I didn't want to miss anything. I'm pretty social I guess. Fought that notion for awhile too. But again getting back to the topic....
Also, I don't really like to hurt peoples feelings and I love to help people. I guess you really are of no help if you wear yourself thin though? Vicious circle.

Are you in one of these categories or do you have your own reason you say yes to everything and everybody? Or maybe you have no problem at all. Either way I think it's okay to say no especially if you do it nicely. 

Peace, Candy

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Precious Baby Girl

So in lieu of my baby girls (RB2) 23rd birthday and since I have already wrote about the pleasure of having I will share with you the wonderful crazy life of being a mother to a girl. I only have one girl and she is unique from what I hear. I really have had an easy time with her despite all the horror stories I had heard. In all fairness we did have a rough patch when she was about 15. It lasted August to December. lol 

I have already told her that I get alot of my good stories from her and I am sure she will hook me up in the future. If you remember, she is the one that said she does not speed in public and will be giving her furniture to the homeless. (Still funny) She is a good friend and Great Momma. 

One time when she was about 6, I lost her at the beach. I must have looked away for a second and then focused on this other long dark haired lil girl with the same swimsuit on as she was focusing on a mom with the same hot pink suit on as me. I even went to get lifeguard while she was safely going up towards the other lady.There is no fear like that. 

Anyway, all you mommas of girls.......Enjoy them! They too grow up way to fast. Happy Birthday Baby Girl!

Peace, Candy

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

That Kind of Girl.......

So there was this country song awhile back that said, " I'm not the woman in red, I'm not the girl next door, but if theres something in the middle that you're looking for, I'm that kind of girl." I have always thought of this as my theme song. I love to dress up and am actually more comfortable in heels but I also like to camp and ride four wheelers. 
Although back when I was about 18 I did take a butane curling iron on a camping trip. I haven't seen one since so I don't think they caught on but pretty nifty idea. Just to let you know I am way past that now. If you were to go camping with me now you would quickly find out that there will be no primping of any kind. 

I used to paint houses and always wore the pink dish gloves. Yep thats right you can pause and laugh at that pic. 

I sometimes surprise my hubby and boys. They assume I'm all pink and shiney then I will go out and shoot guns like it's my job. 

When I first met my hubby we went to a go cart place and I was wearing a mini skirt. I think they were still popular then, it was 1999. Anywho, I raced like I was gonna win money and even slammed into him. Of course I didn't think that through as my skirt was a lil jacked up when I finally stopped laughing and noticed. =)

It's good to be who you are even if it's a jumbled mess of different things. 

Peace, Candy

Monday, June 3, 2013

Dollar Store Findings

So today I went to the new Pet Supermarket they just opened up in my home town mainly because I had a five dollar off coupon and Reba needed food. Later I found out I really should be using my cheater glasses more because it expired 5/31 not 6/31 but anyway thats neither here nor there. 
Right next door was a Dollar Tree. You know where everythings a dollar? Actually some things are a two for but you get the idea. I hadn't been in awhile so I was actually walking around looking at some stuff. Hint: plastic shower curtain liners that you put behind your fancy curtain are sold there. They are like $5.00 anywhere else. (This blog will have helpful hints so stay tuned) Anywho, the things they sold that threw me for a loop was things like hair dye, vitamins, and urinary tract strip indicators. But the thing that really made me almost stop and scratch my head was pregnancy tests. I don't know if I feel comfortable on such a big thing in life as to take a test that cost a dollar. Has anyone ever tried this? Are they accurate? I would love to have some feed back.

 Now the dollar store has a freezer section as well as dry food. Movin on up as George Jefferson would say. (Showing my age a lil here) 

In conclusion of this fascinating study I did today at my local dollar store.............You can get some good deals but it is my opinion that you should  be careful of things that maybe go on or in your body. Just sayin............

Peace, Candy

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Betty Boop Palooza

Hurricane Season is Here!

So today is June 1st which in Florida means the first day of hurricane season. It is now time to start preparing (which I usually forget to do until theres one coming)! I have lived here 23 years and have seen some bad ones. I think in 2004 was when we had 4. 
Lets try to bring the humor out in these situations shall we? When hurricane Charlie hit we were all shocked and really not ready because the lil stinker turned and came right toward us. It really did the most damage. 

People were out of power for weeks and that in itself could have made a pretty good reality show. It's very very hot and humid in August and doesn't make for the best smells for a family of 6. We once drove to a town 25 miles away to go to a Hardees drive thru and were very thankful for the, a lil on the cold side, sandwiches. Not exactly how you want to bond with your friends and family but definitely a perk in the situation. The trick is to make nice with people with generators. Of course we had sold ours a couple months before. Not the wisest choice looking back. The "fun" part of it was we all got together, women cooked, men cleaned up, and the kids played. Took ya back to simpler times.

Tips for those of you that are first timers are as follows: It really is a good idea to stock up on water because you will be forced to drink soda and sugary stuff regardless if your in the mood for it or not. Don't assume your going to like instant coffee. Bleck!

Peace, Candy

Mommas of Boys

I have three boys and so far 4 grandsons. We always talk about how different men and woman are. It's true. Little boys though......there are fun. Yesterday we were looking for the pacifier for GRB 4. (Remember thats code for grand red baby the youngest) and while searching the house I lifted up a chair cushion to find a pair of my now 12 year olds dirty socks. Seems legit. Why would you not put you dirty socks under a cushion? Probably the same reason why you would put empty bullet casings in your pocket and scare your momma to death when they fall out of the dryer. I am not quite sure where he even got these but I bet his father was involved. I have also found rocks on the floor that I am not allowed to throw away because they are named and my sons friends. One was named Phil. 

My older grandson that is 22 months old was sitting on my lap and he just ever so gently placed his full palm on my chest. I guess they learn early and never grow out of that. 
They are messy in the bathroom and carry around dead bugs. They will give you a heart attack like feeling probably atleast once a week. They have no fear and love to test you. 

All this said I love all my boys and I am blessed to have them. My prayer today would be to give Momma/Mimi a break though. I need to rest up. =)

Peace, Candy