Tuesday, June 4, 2013

That Kind of Girl.......

So there was this country song awhile back that said, " I'm not the woman in red, I'm not the girl next door, but if theres something in the middle that you're looking for, I'm that kind of girl." I have always thought of this as my theme song. I love to dress up and am actually more comfortable in heels but I also like to camp and ride four wheelers. 
Although back when I was about 18 I did take a butane curling iron on a camping trip. I haven't seen one since so I don't think they caught on but pretty nifty idea. Just to let you know I am way past that now. If you were to go camping with me now you would quickly find out that there will be no primping of any kind. 

I used to paint houses and always wore the pink dish gloves. Yep thats right you can pause and laugh at that pic. 

I sometimes surprise my hubby and boys. They assume I'm all pink and shiney then I will go out and shoot guns like it's my job. 

When I first met my hubby we went to a go cart place and I was wearing a mini skirt. I think they were still popular then, it was 1999. Anywho, I raced like I was gonna win money and even slammed into him. Of course I didn't think that through as my skirt was a lil jacked up when I finally stopped laughing and noticed. =)

It's good to be who you are even if it's a jumbled mess of different things. 

Peace, Candy


  1. So, I just checked out the blog for the first time and had many laughs. Bless you for the gift!

  2. Awwwww thanks! With my friends and family there is more coming. =)
