Saturday, June 15, 2013

Jacked up on DayQuil

Ugh, I hate being sick. I am not close to taking my last breath by any means but it's the "Shouldn't be around people but you can still get things done" kind of sick. I like how I am in denial about the whole situation. As I was doing my walk Thursday, I started to notice that my throat was a lil scratchy. I of course automatically think I have some sort of allergy from something that I am walking by. (As of this moment in my life, I have no allergies) I disregard this scratchy throat feeling and move on. Then when I am watching a movie later I think to myself...maybe I scratched my throat on eating something. Only to realize from further thought that I had a protein shake for dinner.

So I go to bed still in denial. The next morning I feel worse but have stuff to do so I go along with my day with out any kind of cold medicine and I think well surely if I take NyQuil and sleep I will be healed before this am. NyQuil of course is the wonder drug for colds. It's kind of like how the dad in My Big Fat Greek Wedding uses window cleaner for everything.......I feel as though if I have to take something the NyQuil with do it. 

Fast forward til today. 9 1/2 hours of sleep later............Ugh feel worse. So I get to miss a baby shower I was looking forward to and fun stuff to get a lil cleaning done and feel dizzy every time I get up. Since the first part of getting better is admitting your sick...........I have now accepted this fact and have sadly made the walk to the medicine cabinet to get NyQuil's sister DayQuil. 

Party on my friends. You know where to find me. 

Peace, Candy

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