Monday, October 28, 2013

I'll Get It.............

Boy I guess we are jumping into the busy season in October. Always thought I started in November. Guess I better gear up. I am sitting here with a cup of coffee trying to stay warm. It's 54 out and I know that really isn't cold to most of the world but I am very chilly for some reason. 

This week was filled with the opening of the baby store I just started working for, party planning, party itself, and our band played at a festival. We have our 3rd festival in a row coming up this Saturday. Whew! 

My biggest obstacle right now is trying to get in a routine. I have forgotten library books, taking out dinner, my jacket at the festival...(for those of you that know me, I NEVER forget my jacket) and alot of other things I'm sure that I already forgot. lol

Guess I better make a Christmas list too. That in itself is stressful. Four grand kids this year. Nobody panic. Hope to get back on here soon. I may forget. Bare with me........

Peace, Candy

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Good Stuff......

Today has been a great day. Our band had the opportunity to go on a local radio station and sing two songs. We are promoting our big music festival that is this Saturday and it is so nice that we have such good people to help us.

 There are so many groups that can help in this county and sometimes you just don't know about them. We are also kicking off Operation Christmas Child there as well as canned food and clothing drive among other charities. Of course there is music with ten bands participating. We are having a kids zone and very cheap food and drinks. 

The new thing this year that my hubby is heading up is the hot rod, bike and car show. Love our community and love the fact that God is using us to show people that we all fall short but he can use anyone to glorify his kingdom. That's one of the reasons we changed our name to Common Ground. We all stand on common ground. If your local, hope to see you there.

Peace, Candy

Monday, October 14, 2013

Job Hunting...

I am sure I'm not alone when I say that job hunting is not fun. It is really the opposite of fun. Going on websites and sending in resumes as well as newspapers and just the old fashion help wanted signs,.........Which of course those are few and far between. Most of it is done online. I hate that. Your sending in what you have done but not who you are. I mean lets face it your not gonna get hired at Hooters if you got no uh um......well you know. Not that I was applying there I was merely stating the obvious. lol 

Then if your more, lets say mature, ok old.......sometimes your treated a tad bit different then your younger sisters. Ugh! I was getting pretty discouraged. Especially since I got told alot I was over qualified alot. I know this. I am not trying to take over your company, I just want to work and have fun if I possibly can then go home to my family. 

I would love to be a talk show host like say Kelly and Candy but after Regis left I didn't seem to get a call. 
But anywho back to the job search...I don't know about you but I don't like to be judged. I feel like when you are job hunting that is pretty much what your signing yourself up for. Job dating if you will. Bleck!

I do have good news though. I just started my new job today and I think it will be a great fit. It's at a baby boutique and its really close to my house. The gals I am working with are very kind. I think I'm gonna like it there. (Ps. I did find it on Facebook but I also went in to introduce myself) =)

If your looking for a job, I feel your pain. Hopefully you can do something you love. Makes a big difference.

Peace, Candy

Monday, October 7, 2013

Grandbabies ROCK!

So my daughter was maid of honor in a wedding this past weekend and the hubby and I were lucky enough to have the boys alot the last couple weeks in preparation for the wedding. You know like rehearsals, nails,make up trials and parties? 
They gave us a run for our money and both hubby and I decided there is a reason you have kids when you're younger. There was a lot of poopin, cryin, and spillin goin on. The most interesting part was when GRB1 who is two years old, decided to add popcorn stuffed up his nose to the "poppa corn" ritual he does with Papa when he is here. They usually sit and watch a movie together while eating it.

 He loves his Papa. To the point that Papa has to sneak out through the back door to go out in garage to work. Saturday night however, I guess a kernel up the nose was fun. He did have to make a trip to the ER to get it out but he, other then that he wasn't really phased by the whole thing. 

Meanwhile his lil bro, who will be one in a few weeks, has me wrapped pretty tight because his lil cry and face makes it really hard for me to let him down. 

It's fun to listen and watch them. You forget all the cute lil stuff kids do. I was cleaning up the toys right before Momma got back to get them and GRB1 was unloading all the toys saying "No my toys" and putting them back exactly where they were placed before. lol 

Today of course was clean up and find the missing items off the coffee table. It's like an Easter egg hunt. 

Peace, Candy