Friday, May 31, 2013

Swimsuit Shopping......Ugh!

In the last few days I have heard talk about people buying new swimsuits. Probably because it's Florida and tomorrow is June now that I think about it. =) I have always hated the whole process. I was just telling a friend that I wish I could go back and smack the 120 pound younger me for complaining about how the suit looked. It's quite a process buying a suit.. Ya wanna make sure you don't eat before hand. Ya wanna have a lil color to you so you don't blind yourself in that tiny room and most importantly you want to do it quick. I had an easier time getting a Mammogram. 

As I told you before I am in a band. Our fab bass player recently posted on how he went with his lovely wife to try on swimwear at Victoria's Secret. I didn't have to really read anymore to know how that went. Apparently nothing was secret there. He heard some things he will never unhear. I am pretty sure he has a new understanding of how we take this shopping seriously. Cudos to him for going though. 

The problem now is I have to find a suit age appropriate. I have never found a one piece that I like and I will never ever a suit that has a skirt. I feel as though I do not need to bring anymore attention to my birthin hips. I have just talked myself out of going shopping anytime soon. 

Good luck ladies....May you find suits that fit you and look good on the first try and may you stop and remember you are beautifully and wonderfully made!!!

Peace, Candy

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Art of Crylaughin

So if you don't already think I am loopy, you probably will after today's post. In my defense I have known other people that have heard or been apart of crylaughing. (pronounced Cralaughin) It is when you are both crying and laughing. They say that the two emotions are very close together. It does not make for a very good party trick however. I like to laugh and I do not like to cry. Those of you that know me are smiling right now. I said I didn't like to cry I didn't say that I did not cry. ;-) The first time I ever did this in front of my kids I scared them to death. Before I would usually try to leave the room. Nothing more entertaining then trying to calm your children while laughing with tears rolling down your face. I'm pretty sure that I look like the joker when this takes place. Once you start it is very hard to stop. I know that some of you may have just stopped reading this and started praying for me and thats okay. I will never say no to any form of prayers. 
I think Crylaughin may be hereditary. I have seen or heard of at least 3 of my children do this. The funniest time was when RB1 called and said, "Well I hope you're happy because I just started Crylaughin."  My first response was I hope you weren't in public. 

So thought for the day......If this hasn't happened to you don't judge. If it has.....You are not alone. 
Keep on laughin or cryin or both if you are a multitasker. 

Peace, Candy

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

AT&T Lady

So there this lady that everybody knows as the AT&T lady. She doesn't work in the store she holds a big sign to get people to come into store. That alone doesn't seem very interesting right? Well this lady (I will have to stop one day and ask her name) dances as shes waving sign. Still not the weirdest thing. What I find interesting about her is that she always has alot of pink on and I have actually seen her wearing a tutu. Now I am not really good on guessing the age of people at all so if shes reading this someday I apologize if I guessed wrong but I think she is over 50. Not really your prime tutu wearing years by far. She also dyes her hair this bright reddish purple color. This I am not assuming because my daughter actually has ran into her a few times at Walmart purchasing said hair color.

Whether it be cooler out, or even on our very hot days, she never misses a beat. Maybe when I stop safely to ask her name I will dance with her a bit because she looks like shes having fun. She even has a Facebook page that someone made for her.

I said all this to say alot of people make fun of her but I have grown to like her alot. She loves her job and seems to have a positive attitude. We can all take hints from this lady I think. It's true when they say "Dance like no one is watching!" Cheers to you Miss AT&T! 
Peace, Candy

Hobby Lobby finds

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Funny things we say.....

Some days I can get confused if a bagger ask me paper or plastic? Today was one of those days. As I said before my bff is moving so we went out with some friends to have a good bye lunch. I ordered Buffalo Shrimp salad. I am pretty sure the server was pondering on how I even managed to dress myself by the time she was done taking my order. She asked how I wanted my shrimp. I'm like ummmmm done? Is this a trick question. Of course since it was buffalo shrimp she meant mild, medium, or hot. Then when she came to get the check I just stared at her like what do you need? Everyone else already paid and I'm just chillin in the corner. O well. 
 A few weeks back my daughter and I were heading to my house to pick up the babies and she got pulled over. I think the reason why she probably got a ticket is because we were laughing hysterically when the officer came to the window. What he didn't know was that my daughter with a really serious look on her face said, "I can't believe I am getting pulled over for speeding! I usually don't speed in public!" I am not quite sure where she speeds but that was good to know. Right after that she was irritated about how even though she was being nice and giving her furniture away to a friend he didn't seem very thankful. Her answer for  next time was as follows....Well fine then I will just give my furniture to the homeless. These are the things that really keep me going. I love to laugh.
Peace, Candy

Monday, May 27, 2013

Reba Lyn Valentine

I would like to give a huge shout out to those who have served or are still serving in our military. Thank you!!
 So I have a dog named Reba. Actually we have a no pet rule and since she doesn't know shes a dog it works for us. Reba is a princess. Her stage name is Reba Lyn Valentine. She has a facebook page and out of 118 friends I think only 108 of them we have in common. Yes, you read that right............there are some people out there that our friends with my red dapple dachshund and not me.  She's very witty. We share that trait even though I'm not her birth mom. She also does not know that so don't spill the beans please. Reba can crack up the whole family once she gets to talking. 

Let me stop you right there. My first post was called Welcome to Crazy so you shouldn't be surprised on what you read here.

Anyway, back to the talking.......shes a good story teller and she also a pretty good vocalist. Country of course since she has red hair and her name is Reba. I will try to get a picture up on here so you can see this beauty. I have to check her schedule. 

I hope you are blessed to have a wonderful furry baby in your life.
Peace, Candy

Sunday, May 26, 2013

I don't like change!

So I don't like change. Even good change I struggle with. Examles are many is this area. 
I get a new car, sad to lose the old one. They move me to different part of stage (band problems) I struggle to get used to it. If I pick the change, that I am ok with. I change my purses out alot and I will not kill ya if you buy me new clothes, jewelry, or of course anything pink. I have passed this on to my children. Well 3 out of 4 of them. RB 4 is the worst. I know where he's coming from so I can usually talk him down rather quickly. If we have something planned we don't tell him til day of because if you change your mind there will be trouble. I am trying to tell him that I can't help it if it rains and we can't go to the beach. He will not have any of that. Nope. I said we were going and that is that. 

You can imagine how I am doing with the fact that RB 2 (daughter) and my bff D are moving within weeks of eachother. Ya, party over here. Not. On the brightside of all this change is............stay tuned. I'm not there yet! 

Do you like change? 

Peace, Candy

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Whats in a name....

So my name is Candy. I used not like it. It's not normal. You probably see where this is going. My mom told me that my name was going to be Muffin. (This is no joke) Candy is a stripper name or so I've been told. I don't know any strippers so I will have to just take peoples words for it. You could never find my name on anything when I was little. Actually you still really can't. I did see at a truck stop there was this gaudy Florida mug that had my name on it. I did not buy it. Also, when I was in Vegas last year I found it alot. Go figure.

I wonder if one can grow into a name? I have always loved bright colors, dancing,singing and just being "out there." Would I feel the same if I had a different, more calmer, name? Hmmmmm??? 

Maybe I will take a poll and see what others think. But please don't get all scientific with me cause it's just for fun. I don't need ya to get all Sheldon from Big Bang on me. =) 

Peace, Muffin (I mean Candy)  

Friday, May 24, 2013

This store has my name on it!

Shoes are Gods gifts to your feet!

Life of a woman

So it's hot! At least where I am. People that are reading this from a cold state I am truly sorry. I realize it's about to get a whole lot hotter since I live in Florida. Here lies the problem. I need shorts. I hate shorts now. Shorts are hard to find. I don't, at my age, need Daisy Dukes. For those of you who know me your welcome for the visual. =) I will soon try to get healthy again so I don't want to spend alot of money. Today I went into a thrift store. Have you been in one lately? Even though the 80's were awesome, I don't need to be sporting shorts that are up past my belly button. Where is there a middle ground? Lower wasted Capri's? It's truly hard to find anything really if you think about it. Too young too old? I'm stuck in limbo. I really don't want to wear words on my butt either. Just because something comes in your size DOES NOT mean it is to be purchased. Lil tip ladies. I am not a fan of tank tops either. That is a story for another time. 

Ok so back to the shorts or lack of. I ended up leaving there annoyed and empty handed! Before I left though I found a cute shirt. It was longer and plaid. I was very excited. It was maternity. Ummmm no thanks. Needless to say I had a salad for lunch. 
But wait.......don't cry for me people. Bealls Outlet ( kinda like a Ross incase you don't have one of these gems where you live)  just moved there dots and 49 and under get 15% off on Fridays. Shorts were found and purchased. 

All is well in the world for another day. Rest easy.  
Peace, Candy

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Welcome to crazy!

Very excited to have this up and running. I am new at this so bare with me. Shout out (I like to give shout outs) to my friend Lenny (not her real name) for helping me.
If you are expecting a professional blog you have come to the wrong place. I am going to try to do my best to get the your, you're and the other ur (as I like to use) right. Don't expect miracles as I don't really lose sleep on how I use grammar, or don't use it properly, rather.

Today is Red baby 4's birthday. Since I have four kids, and I liked the term when Vin Diesel used it on his  Oscar winning performance of The Pacifier, that is how I will keep them straight. Red baby 1 would be my oldest.
Soooo RB 4 is 12 going on about 45. Alot of my material I get from my witty kids. I will gladly stand back as I pass the torch to the younger and quicker but don't count me out yet. I can still be witty and fast especially after a vanilla ice coffee.... mmmmmm Wait what was I saying........

I also have 4 grand babies. All boys. So of course they will be RGB 1...etc. I will have a power point on how to keep up with all this at a later time. You will soon be fluent in speaking Candy and that is no easy task.

I am in a band (name is about to change) and we have a blast. I also have the best hubby and friends a girl could ask for. Hoping you come hang with me as I will try to post daily.

Peace, Candy