Does your chewing gum lose its flavor on the best post over night........That song from camp just popped in my head. Songs are funny. Actually the words that my family and friends, that they have told me, hear...well some are just too funny.
I will start with me...There is a song out right now on the radio and the words are 'Like the ceiling can't hold us" Well even as I am listening, I know that what I am thinking it says its not right. Mostly because my words don't really make sense. Wait for it.......I was singing "Like a ceiling fan holder" What is that exactly? I don't know. I do know that now anyone that I have told that to cannot sing it right. My daughter even is making that my ringtone. haha
She really can't make too much fun of me because she used to think that the late Mindy McCready song "Guys do it" was "down stewy" Or "daddy wants to sell the farm" was "Daddy wants a cell a phone".My good me too friend (got her name because mostly everything I say or do she does too) once told me that mine and my hubbys wedding song, Amazed by LoneStar, has a whole new meaning now when we hear it because the first line that says "Everytime our eyes meet" her friend thought it said "everytime I rise meat." Again, what does that even mean?
What funny things have you thought a song said? We won't judge.
Laughing is contagious!
Peace, Candy
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