Some say it's the terrible twos… But don't you have days like these as well? I guess we typically don't really don't close our eyes and ears in public? Maybe some of you do. This is my almost 2 year old first grandson. GRB1. Even though he wasn't listening to Momma, to the rest of us we think he is cute. That wouldn't fly though if he was older. Would we think it was cute if we saw a grown man or woman or man do this? Probably not. Sometimes you just don't feel like listening. You listen all day and night. You listen to bosses, kids,husbands,tv,radio...........listen~listen~listen! Well I am now giving you permission to do this when you don't feel like listening anymore. Hehe
Be careful when you use this though because I do believe God gave us only one mouth and two ears for a reason. Maybe it's not such a bad thing to listen. Maybe if we feel the need to not listen we can put ourselves in a lil timeout. (I do this all the time)
So people listen up or don't. The choice is yours.
Peace, Candy
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